Rear rack revenant
Can the new rear rack be fitted onto my ebike, the Revenant? If not, can we customize one for my ebike? or any one have it and he fix one after market
ByJacob Martin·Nov 06·General Discussions
Nireeka Revenant
Just wanted to post a review on my revenant after 2 months and 200 miles on the bike! I havent been on a bike in general in 15 years until now and im 30. This was also my first e-bike! I am in pretty good shape physically at 185lb but
continue reading...ByKev Robertson·Oct 17·Installation Guides
Front Suspension, how much air do I put in please?
How much air do I put in the front suspension? Much appreciated
ByIan De La Haye·Sep 07·General Discussions
BAFANG DP C010 display
Anyone know where we can get hold of this display and is it worth the upgrade from DPC18.
BySean Carolan·Aug 14·General Discussions
Nireeka 1000 Watt mid-drive
What 1000 watt mid-drive should I get?
ByGeorge Crown·Nov 28, 2020·General Discussions
I was wondering why on full throttle I can only get up to 16.5 miles per hour on a flat surface and not 20 MPH as advertised. In Peddle assist I can get up to 24.5 but not 28 MPH in the PA 5. Otherwise the bike performs fine. Is
continue charger
I received 2 charger which show in the below pictures is this fast charger or not ??
ByTravis Jones·Jul 16·Prime
I read its not okay to use throttle during pedal assist mode?
I read in an article that you guys said do not use the throttle while in pedal assist mode with the Nireeka Prime is this still true?