
How do I install the Torque Sensor Package?

I received the Torque Sensor Package today, but it did not come with any installation instructions.
Do you have any instructions or videos to help me with the installation process?

What I found when I actually did the work.
- Important: You need a 48V battery & 500w Moter.

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ByYounes Shojaie·Aug 13, 2020·Photo Gallery

Nireeka Ebike Gallery

Post the pictures of your Nireeka ebike here.


ByMichael Means·Sep 21, 2020·Prime


Were headlights an option I missed?


ByJeff Denney·Aug 15, 2020·Prime

Brake Sensors

Hello. Will I be able to add brake sensors to the Prime if I choose not to upgrade to the NSD?


ByJeff Pender·Apr 12, 2023·Prime

Kickstand solutions??

Hi everyone. I am trying again b/c my first post received no traction. Has anyone managed to figure out a solution for a kickstand for the Prime? It is insane to me that Nireeka doesn't offer one, and I can't find a commercial one that fits the wide chain stays

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Basket for Shopping

I just purchased a Prime and while waiting, I would like to consider a small basket for shopping trips. While I know most people will want to use their Prime for pleasure, some of us will want to make a short trip to the market for food etc....

Can anyone

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ByMax Shojaie·Aug 12, 2020·Feature Request

Feature Request


Please share your requested features with us. Like the feature, if you're also interested in. The most popular features will be added.

Thank you


New Forums!


This is Max, the CEO. I'm pleased to introduce to you the new forums system. Why do we have this system? There are some points:

1. HAVE EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE: Unlike the last two forums, you can log in to this system using your Nireeka username/password. So you

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I was wondering why on full throttle I can only get up to 16.5 miles per hour on a flat surface and not 20 MPH as advertised. In Peddle assist I can get up to 24.5 but not 28 MPH in the PA 5. Otherwise the bike performs fine. Is

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Update on wip for the NSD

Can we have an update please when we will see the NSD shipt out to the customers


ByRommel Rivera·Oct 31, 2020·Photo Gallery

Pearlized vs Standard Red

Could folks please post pictures of the Homie or Prime in pearlized red and in standard red? The Nireeka website uses the same picture for both colors, so one can't tell the difference when ordering. Thank you.

repair stand

what kind of repair stand are people using with these carbon fiber frames? my aluminum frame bike i clamp it on the seat post. but i'm kinda concerned with the stress on carbon frames. i didn't get the kickstand either when i ordered my magna (should be here in april),

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Brake Upgrade to 203mm disks

Upgrading the Homie to 203mm disks is not trivial, at least what the rear wheel is concerned.
For the front wheel the Shimano adapter SM-MA-F203P/P fits perfectly and the entire exercise is each.
For the rear wheel I have not found a fitting adapter.
I tried the Shimano SM-MA-F203P/PM is

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Rims option

Will Nireeka propose hollowed rims one day ?
Something like the DT Swiss BR 2250 Classic 26" Fatbike (pic. enclosed) for instance ?
First of all those rims are beautiful (as the Prime is and therefore more up to the standard of this beautiful bike than the stock ones i

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Ordered my Revenant on December 20,2022. it just shipped according to my Dashboard order page. Any one else here on the East coast, or US get the same Shipping notification??


ByChad Thibodeau·May 26, 2023·Announcements

Mega countdown……….

I can’t wait for tomorrow’s MEGA reveal!!! Pun fully intended 😉🥳


ByJohn Schultz·Jan 2, 2023·Prime

Seatpost Length

I have set my seatpost to the correct riding height for me so my legs are extended to the right position. When the seat is the correct position the seat post can be rotated and the seat moves down when I sit on the seat because the seat post is

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Revenant delivery

Hi, has anyone already received the revenant bike from the indigogo campaign? I ordered one during the VIP status on indigogo and it should be delivered next week (if the tracking page here is correct)


ByTim Stirland·Feb 24, 2023·Prime

Amazing ride

So, I’ve done 80 miles on my lovely new Prime and I’m very impressed. I now ‘get‘ the frame geometry. It really flexes in all the right ways and places creating a really sturdy and yet comfortable ride. I’m running the tyres at 20 psi which seems reasonable for London

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Standard or custom

Just wondering if the NSD will be on the PRIME that I ordered?


ByMax Shojaie·Sep 5, 2020·Announcements

New Battery Chargers!

We'll be using these new chargers from now on. This charger model comes with some cool and crucial features such as a cooling fan, protection fuse, aluminum shell to ward off heat, universal input, and some others as following:

Technical Parameters:
Input: 110-240V AC, 50Hz,
Output: 24V@60A / 36V@40A /

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Battery Voltage

My 48V Homie battery shows only the red light. When I first charged it, one of the green lights didn't illuminate after charging and it showed 50.+V.
After 5 total miles ridden the display showed 46V.
The charger is putting out 25 volts and the battery illuminates only the red

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ByJohn Fischer·Sep 16, 2022·Prime

Getting Ready to purchase a PRIME...

What options do you regret getting or not getting at the time you purchased?

Prime - delivered- YAY!!!

So my Prime was finally delivered yesterday. Younes Shojaie (COO) has been extremely helpful through the whole very stressful process. He has also sacked-off DPD as they were absolutely useless and used a very long established delivery company called Tuffnells. I will be assembling the bike this weekend and will

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Is this normal on the front fork?

Hi guys!! my wife pointed out to me that the front fork air nobs were different to each other. Does anyone knows if that's normal and the way it comes? And does the homie comes with a kickstand? Plz let me know if anyone knows so I can open another

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DP C18

Can someone tell me how to set the tire size on the DP C18? Also, what is the difference between ECO and sport? TIA


Stolen Bikes!

Hello everyone,

If you're considering buying a used Nireeka product, please make sure you check the frame number with the Nireeka agents before placing the order.

While we're monitoring online shops like eBay for such cases to find the stolen bikes, we're still missing a few. Based on our latest

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I got my Revenant! And it’s awesome!!

Hey everyone! So, I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Revenant early, and so far I’m really impressed. I rode it for the first time today it’s very smooth. It got dark outside fast, so I didn’t have much time to test it out today, but I

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eBike insurance in the UK--for a 1000 watt Bafang motor?

Any UK-based Nireeka Prime owners able to get insurance sorted? (did you have to register with the DVLA, get the Prime inspected first?)

Mega 1500

I received the bike in Korea on September 25, 2024.
After assembling and test driving, everything is perfect. It is a recommended bike.

I will ride it for another week and get more experience.


Looking for good quality fenders that will fit and look good on the mega without harming the paint?

Chain coming off on Homie

I've watched a couple of video's of the Homie's chain continually coming off. Is this an issue that is still out there or has it been corrected. Also, is it a matter of tightening the derailleur correctly?


ByJeff Pender·Oct 17, 2022·Prime

Dropper seat post

Is there any way to add a dropper seat post to the Prime? I assume you cannot, but maybe?

is there a second hand market for these bikes and who is selling their prime

is the bike that unreliable because I read a lot of stories here of not delivering, parts not working and such, it is a lot of bad info for somebody like me who likes the appeal of the bike .
is there a second-hand prime bike for sale here?

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Torque Sensor

On a visual inspection of your Nireeka Bike, how does one know the Torque pkg was installed? Newbe Question but I have no clue Thks for any comments


ByJeff Pender·Dec 1, 2022·Prime

Manufacturing time?

6 weeks in and just hit 80% for my Prime. How long as the build taken for others? This is painful to wait, and then know there are still ~2 months for shipping.

48v headlight wiring

Is it possible to mount a 48v headlight on the Prime ? I believe that the DP C18 can switch on and off a headlight, but i suppose that it requires some special wiring on the motor cables, and on that topic, will the NSD control the headlight switching as

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Received after a long wait - BUT - everything was PERFECT!
Unpacking and putting together took all of 30 minutes as packed so well.
Watched a few unpacking videos on uTube -and everything went accordingly.
Received battery a month earlier - battery charger arrived with bike.
Charged, attached and off

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ByFranklyn Berry·Jan 25, 2021·Prime

Wheel size?

Just ordered a Prime, and I'd like to start building my "winter wheel".

What size rim does the Prime use? 26" x 'which' width? Im guessing 3". Is the
rim supplier known?



ByJeff Pender·Dec 30, 2022·Prime

Shift sensor?

I am confused about something. If the Prime comes with a shift sensor (which shuts the motor off when shifting), then doesn't that prevent the excessive strain on the chain? I watched a lot of Youtube reviews, and read the comments, and that is what everyone worries about re. high

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ByMax Shojaie·Sep 3, 2020·Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENT#1: New Support System

A new section "Support" added to the Customer Panel.

From this section you can create a ticket and get support from the Nireeka team directly; fast, easy, and clean.

Soon you will have everything related to your bike in one single system.


I've been thinking about buying this bicycle, the Nireeka Primer S, for a week, I live in Maryland, someone bought it through the website and it arrived? How long does it take from when you make the payment?

Actual range of the battery

As I wait for My Revenant I wonder what is the actual range on the Prime or if you have a Revenant what is true range you can get out of it on a single full charge? I am use to riding a normal bike 50-100 miles at a time.

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Max payload

Wondering what max payload is cause im a monster of a man at 360lbs 6'6" the bike with the 1000 watt motor is aopealing to me. But i need to know if im too big. I read the manual & it said nothing about weight limit.


Where can I get fenders for the NIREEKA HOMIE?


PoeBoys video is finally up for NIREEKA MEGA

How does he get the 9 levels of assist? And how is it so much faster than my MEGA bike???

Nireeka Revenant impressions after a week

When the bike arrived about two weeks ago, I immediately noticed a scraping sound on the front rotor. I recentered the pads but it kept scraping. I finally noticed that the speed sensor for the ABS module was rubbing the rotor. The sensor is adjusted by washers to pull it

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ByMax Shojaie·Jun 18, 2021·Prime

Suspension Fork Vs Solid Fork

In the following pictures you can compare the suspension fork with the carbon fiber fork visually.

About torque sensors and NSDs

There is a lot of confusion and confusing information about NSDs and torque sensors.

The questions are as follows

1. Does NSD include a torque sensor?
2. is the cost of the torque sensor you are paying for earlier in the IGG the cost of the upgraded 4G version of

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ByMichael Means·Nov 23, 2021·Prime

Taking the Prime kickstand off

Does anyone know how to remove the prime kickstand. It rattles too much and I would like to take it off but don't know how.


ByGary Henry·Feb 26, 2023·Feature Request

Prime option

Kickstand for PRIME. 😎 🤞🏻 🚵‍♂️


ByDaniel Stapleton·Aug 30, 2021·Prime


Anyone have a picture with the Kickstand installed?


ByTim Stirland·Mar 31, 2023·Prime

Changed to 105 cassette and derailleur

So finally my Prime works perfectly. Just to point out that I’m mainly riding on tarmac and maybe grass occasionally in London UK.
I have a new ebike mechanic to help out and he’s amazing! As I’m not going to be off-road, he suggested an 11 speed 105 cassette (

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Correction on 1500 watts peak power

I apologize for my rant of not getting above 1000 watts of power on my new Revenant. I just tested it and indeed hit 1500 watts peak power. Sorry, I spoke too soon. It should now hit 34 mph easily. The rant about the triangular plug and locked speed still

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ByGary Henry·May 12, 2023·Feature Request

Front and rear lights for PRIME

Please add integrated front and rear lights.

Befang 1000 Watt Motor

At high toque levels I have notice that the gears in the motor are slipping. At first I thought it was the de-reailers, but I took it to my local e-bike repair shop who pointed out that is was the internal gears in the motor that were slipping. Has anyone

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ByHoward Fuller·Jan 3, 2023·Prime

Installing a GPS Tracker?

Has anyone tried installing some form of anti-theft (GPS) Tracking device on their Prime? If you're willing to share, which device do you use and where would you recommend mounting it securely?

Mega’s rear led light

Purchased this bike in dec. 2023 I live in the northeast and on 49 2024 was my first ride, but the rear light did not come on. Is there a switch you turn it on through the controller? Is it automatic mine does not come on ???


ByJasper Northrop·Oct 2, 2020·Prime

Query regarding mounting a headlight

My prime is on it's way and I'm excited so I'm checking for a headlight for it
I found one I want that's compatible with bafang mid drive and I read somewhere that there should be a cable to connect the headlight to
anyway what I wanted to ask

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Yess!! Finally.

Thank you Nireeka!! I finally got my charger today and you were right, it was the charger. my battery changed right away but I couldn't ride NY streets because streets were too wet. Tomorrow I'll ride first thing and finally enjoy the bike and fortunately before the snow lol. Thanks

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